Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Living on a lake has its pluses. Sunday, our good friends Jim and Joyce Tollus and Dan and Kathy LaMorte drop by in the Tollus' boat. We grilled hamburgers and then joined them for a ride on the lake. We had a very nice afternoon riding around the lake and swimming in a cove.

Monday, the McCaslins and Josh's friend, Carson, came for a day on the water. We put the McCaslins' boat in and everyone, except for Joyce, spent the afternoon tubing. Everyone had a great time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lee Falls Hike

Took a hike to Lee Falls this morning. The hike was fairly easy for the first mile as I made my way through three fields next to Tamassee Creek. The last quarter mile to the base of the falls was fairly steep and required some rock climbing. Lee Falls is reportedly Oconee County's most scenic and the 75-foot falls did not disappoint.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day - 2008

Joyce's sister, Nancy, flew in from California for a week visit . The McCaslins and Todd came down on Saturday so we had a full house Saturday night. We all enjoyed the Mother's Day Brunch at the Keowee Key Club.

Four generations and four mothers. Ally standing in front of Joyce, Carrie, Kathy and Nancy.