Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend - Rafting, Hiking, New Pontoon Boat

We had a great Labor Day Weekend.
The McCaslins came down on Saturday and we spent the day in the water. Josh and Ally tried their hands at rowing their new rafts; the McCaslins took Bandit (their new puppy), Harley (theier Lab) and Bailey (Todd's Lab) out for a swim; and we ended the day grilling hamburgers.
On Sunday, I hiked the 3.6 mile trail (7.2 miles round trip) to the top of Table Rock Mountain.
On Monday, we bought a new pontoon boat. The McCaslins came back down to the lake and we took a ride to the southern park of the lake. Had lunch at the Tiki Restaurant at the Keowee Marina in Seneca before touring the lower park of the lake.

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